
The Cleaning Lady, uses a 10 step office cleaning system. These 10 steps are the Pro-CleanTM System. This office cleaning system uses proven systematic methods which take into account common sense office cleaning techniques that allow for removal of dust and dirt which becomes disturbed while office cleaning takes place. The Pro-CleanTM System uses a “Top-To-Bottom” approach, the way office cleaning should be completed. Our office cleaning technicians are glad to work with you to provide individualized attention for cleaning those areas of your office most important to meeting your particular needs. Attention to detail is given while the actual office cleaning is carried out. The following 10 steps are the Pro-CleanTM Office Cleaning System:

  • Our office cleaning includes horizontal surface dusting and cleaning
  • Our office cleaning includes disinfecting/cleaning office restrooms
  • Our office cleaning includes restocking paper/soap/sanitary products
  • Our office cleaning includes disinfecting/cleaning office phones
  • Our office cleaning includes maintaining interior windows and doors
  • Our office cleaning service maintains kitchen/lounge/lobby/elevators
  • Our office cleaning includes cleaning tile/flooring surfaces
  • Our office cleaning technicians will remove and recycle trash
  • Our office cleaning includes edging and vacuuming carpets
  • Our office cleaning includes final inspection of all areas